National Safety Month – Week One

Week One of National Safety Month is coming to an end, and with that we want to share some tips and websites. Week One was devoted to Summer Safety and the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA+) challenge.

Summer Safety 

It may not be technically summer under June 21, but in Arizona we don’t need to wait to feel the heat! With a high of 106ºF on Friday and over the weekend highs getting up to 109ºF in the Valley – it’s summer to us already! Several excessive heat warnings have already been issued as well. The Engineering Office of Health and Safety wants everyone to keep cool and us these tips to avoid seriously and potentially deadly health complications from the heat: 

  • Be aware and get inside! The temperature can rise 15º in direct sunlight* so it’s important to get yourself, others, and pets in the shade or inside – preferably with air conditioning! Avoid staying outside for long periods of time and drink plenty of water. 
  • Keep cool and drink water! You want to avoid possible dangers like heat stroke by staying cool and making sure to drink plenty of water! Your body has it’s personalized cooling mechanism, sweating, and it is important to stay properly hydrated to keep cool inside and out. It is recommended to drink at least half your body weight in ounces in water daily, and please check with your physician for specifics on personalized recommendations.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing and avoid dark colored clothing! We don’t recommend wearing long black trench coats with turtle necks and tight leather pants when it’s hot outside. By wearing breathable, light colored, and loose clothing it can help keep you cool when you are outside. Don’t forget to wear the sunscreen!
  • Check on others to make sure they are ok! Whether it be your friends, the homeless, the elderly that live alone, or your pets – check to make sure they are ok! Make sure others have enough water and have some sort of cooled shelter (building with AC, shaded areas, etc). If someone is not responsive and has been exposed to the high temperatures, get help and call 911 immediately!
  • Get other tips and things to look for from The American Red Cross and The Center for Disease Control and Prevention!


Presidential Active Lifestyle Award + Challenge (PALA+) 

Staying healthy is a big topic of focus for everyone, including ASU’s Engineers. That is why we want to challenge you to take part in the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award + Challenge!

There are two parts:

  • Physical Activity: At least 30 minutes daily of physical activity that elevates your heart rate at least 5 days a week, for 6 out of 8 weeks.
  • Healthy Eating: Each week, focus on a new goal (check out the website for goals). Make sure you are getting the nutrition your body needs to be healthy!
  • Check out the PALA+ Website for more information and great tips @


And as always, don’t forget to check us out on Twitter (@ASUFultonSafety) and Facebook (FB/ASUFultonSafety) to get the latest updates! Stay safe!