Safety in numbers
Creating safe environments and linking people with the best known methods and practices for all engineering disciplines.
The Office of Infrastructure and Safety focuses on all safety concerns for all FSE faculty, researchers, students, and staff. We are the liaisons between ASU Engineering and and other ASU groups like ASU Facilities Management, ASU Safety Partners (EHS), and Business Services who play a critical role in our mission.
We provide guidance and help create an environment that promotes sharing best known methods and safety practices. We often link people to the guidance information and resources they need to accomplish their duties in a safe and effective manner. That includes acting as role models for EH&S best practices at all times and emphasizing the necessary behavioral and communication activities which maintain a strong focus on safety culture.
We provide services to support safe lab activities which can include any of the following actions:
- chemical approvals
- SOP reviews for chemical processes and hazardous tasks
- lab safety inspections
- lab renovation design reviews
- follow-up to resolution on all health and safety issues
- participation within other ASU safety programs and teams.
Leadership Team
Rita Bottesch
Assistant Director
[email protected]
What do you need to do?
Meet the FSE DO Infrastructure and Safety Team
The primary goal of the FSE DO Infrastructure and Safety Team is to provide a central hub of resources and information to assist faculty, researchers, staff, and students in their day-to-day and long-term activities while ensuring a safe work and research environment. The Team is coordinated by the Dean’s Office and is comprised of representatives in each of the engineering schools.
FSE DO Infrastructure and Safety Team (IaST)
The FSE DO laST members are available to help engineering departments with structuring a safe work and research environment.
Compliance Officers
FSE Compliance Officers (COs) serve as liaisons between the departments, and the ASU Environmental Health and Safety Teams (ASU Safety Partners). They serve as a major source of coordination for activities that support your safe work and research environments. They are knowledgeable about regulatory guidelines and assist with compliance adherence, working with the ASU EHS Teams and Facilities Management Teams. They provide support for ASU’s Environmental Health & Safety Management Policy and assist with the adherence to the ASU Chemical Hygiene Plan.
Engineering Technical Services
If you need office or lab renovations, including installing gas cylinder racks, cabinet repairs, or minor electrical work, contact Engineering Technical Services (ETS).